Fantasy Photo Auctions

Original Fine Art Adult Photography Auction

About Us

Leo Bauby

Leo Bauby

Leo Bauby

Fantasy Photo Auctions founder Leo Bauby has been an avid collector all his life. He began his obsession at age six by collecting baseball cards, magazines and newspaper photos of his favorite baseball team, the Chicago White Sox. Leo’s interests in collecting continued through his youth, and hasn’t diminished even to this day. He’s been labeled as the ‘Collector’s Collector’ with more than 8 million items he’s bought and sold over the years.

After graduating college and taking a position in the engineering field, Leo was constantly adding to his personal collections. As his interests matured, he became fascinated with collecting original photography, and soon his collection expanded into tens of thousands of rare and unusual images.

In 1999 Leo began buying and auctioning selected images on eBay. In no time, his personal collecting passion had turned into an enjoyable and rewarding business. Not forgetting his original love, he named his business Fantasy Photo Auctions. Leo has successfully represented over 8 Million Original Images, and has become a qualified expert in vintage and rare photography. He’s quite passionate about matching the perfect collector with each image he offers!

Fantasy Photo Auctions offers a wide variety of classic photographic prints, original negatives and transparencies. The subject matter ranges from sports to historical landscapes, vintage war photos, celebrities, artistic nudes, and erotic adult images from famous photographers.

In addition to serving our loyal auction customers, Fantasy Photo Auctions images have been acquired by several large public institutions. These images are on display in a prominent museum and are used within both a public and private university.

Quite recently eBay abolished sales of adult material, bringing an end to many collectors access to erotic imagery. As a result, Leo has created this website, so his audience of collectors may continue to acquire these rare and valuable images. Fantasy Photo Auctions is committed to bringing the best works of the best photographers to auction and to promote the sales of their collectable prints, negatives, and transparencies.

It is our privilege to represent the erotic works of Suze Randall, Ken Marcus, Earl Miller, Dick Zimmerman, etc, etc, . . ., and look forward to expanding our roster of famous photographers.